Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Message from the Voice for Love

We come to you today to give you the Peace of God. It is attainable if you turn toward God and away from your thoughts. It is attainable if you look at your thoughts in a new way and see that they do not mean you harm nor good but they are manufactured habits that you have been thinking all along. They have no meaning in and of themselves. Just as your emotions do not have meaning either, they have only the meaning you put your attention on.
The way to relegate these thoughts to where they belong is to find the space between the thoughts, the holy place where no thought exists, the mindstream below the babbling brook of thoughts which is where you truly abide.
Listen for this stream, it underlies all. It underlies all of life for all.
This stream is where you truly think, you truly are one with all and this stream is where you want to deeply drink and bathe yourself.
Go to that stream whenever you find your thoughts running away with you.
Go to that stream and see it as the stream of all life at all times.
Think of that stream and jump into its cool refreshing waters whenever you are too hot from all the thoughts that crowd your brain.
And there you shall find true Peace.

1 comment:


    David dov Fishman
