Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 10 of Soul Journey to Love: 100 Days to Inner Peace and Being at One with God

Although we are giving you steps, there are no steps to awakening. There is no one true path. There is only Oneness or separateness. Surrendering to the Oneness is the answer that you seek.

Look at your ego, that which you call your self. This is not your true self, but an apparition, a false self. It keeps within it all the hopes and dreams of this lifetime, all the sorrows and disappointments, all the rejections and anger, hatred, rivalries, wrong and right that you have experienced from the time of your birth into this physical body.

It is not real. It is not Reality.

You are a distinct energetic signature of a larger whole. Sometimes you will feel you are that Whole but most of the time that you walk around you don’t feel that, otherwise you would stop walking. Just the idea that you have somewhere to go could be considered separateness from God and, in a way, it is.

But if you understand that you have a unique energetic signature and that you seek experiences for the sake of your soul’s greater understanding and for the expansion of that which is God, then all experiences are equal, none better than the other: the job you don’t like, the man or woman who rejects you, the child who is going his or her own way. It is all the same as the joy you feel, the happiness you have, the desire to do interesting things or meet interesting people.

All experiences are the same. Not because they are not real, but because they just are that – experiences – which the soul is absorbing and taking in, without the Whole, to compare with other souls and to enjoy.

It is not that the world is not real, it is that there is a greater reality. Those who want to renounce the world will be fine as well as those who wish to renounce the ego. It does not mean that your personality changes or you don’t have likes and dislikes, preferences as you would say. It is that all experiences become equal, no better nor worse than another. You can experience sadness on one hand but also know that it is not the true you that is having the experience. You can think a negative thought and realize you are not the true thinker. These thoughts and feelings may be there for a long time but then they can fade away, It is a remembering and it is a forgetting, a remembering of the truth, a forgetting of what is not needed.

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