Sunday, September 25, 2011

All love is perfect.
All are perfect.
Just as they are.
Forget the faults and flaws of others for they do not matter.
Forgive the seeming mistakes of others for there are no true errors,
Each soul finds its way to the same home, the same God, who is love.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

You are always One with God

You are always at One with God. This is something to recall at all times especially when you seem to be forgetting. God is always with you because you have God within you and you are indeed God. If everyone thought this way there would be less conflict in the world and in the inner world of many.

“Be still and know that I am God.” No truer words were ever spoken. This is why they have so much meaning whenever they are said and thought.

You can never escape God, you can never escape being God. There is no way and so it is futile to try.

Take time daily to remind yourself that God is always with you even if it seems unbelievable. Your thinking cuts off this connection as does your strong emotional sense. Soothe yourself and know that God is within you at all times, gently giving you guidance and direction, knowing that all is as it should be and as it will be.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


We say you can receive enlightenment in an instant or it can take your whole lifetime.
Acceptance is the key.
Accept what is and disregard that which you think might bother you.
Accept everything for what it is without judgments,
Accept and do not push against it,
Then and only then does the wall fall away,
And beyond it is the clearest blue sky,
The wavy field of grain,
The loving laps of the ocean waves.
There does your peace abide.
There you find your true Self.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

excerpt from Day 50 of "Soul Journey to Love"

Once fear is no longer there, endless possibilities are laid out for you. Choose them with the guidance you receive. Choose them by asking what you should do if you do not know how to clearly receive the prompts which are offered to you. When there is a resounding “yes” it is easy. But occasionally you will be undecided and this is from the ego mind. Let that go and trust that you will always be guided to the correct decisions.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thought for the day

I trust in God in all things, large and small. In this I find my rest.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life on earth is a temporary subject. The curriculum is eternity.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thought for the day

If you think of a thought as just a thought with no value of its own it will not become a belief.

from Day 4 of "Soul Journey to Love"

You can be still and at peace at any moment. It is a matter of paying attention to it, tuning into that station as opposed to the station you have been playing. The open mind is always open to other communication. It is not hindered by external circumstances. It is not stopped by emotional difficulties.

The open mind is always open, always receiving from the One that is always communicating.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A definition of Hope

Day 58 from "Soul Journey to Love"

Q: What is hope?

Hope in your sense is the anticipation of a better future.
Hope leads to disappointment but hope seems to be needed by people in order to survive their present experience.

True hope however is knowledge, the knowledge that all is truly well, that God’s will for you on earth is completely known and that by turning toward this higher way of thinking, which is within oneself, one can feel hopeful.

Hope does not need to lead to disappointment, not if hope is seen differently. Think of it more as a way of going about in the world, a way of knowing that you are in the right place, the right time, the right circumstance for you always. Know that there is no fear and no death. Know that within yourself exists all the answers that you seek. Then you can have a sense of hopefulness.

Know that all reach the same goal in their own way, whether during this lifetime or afterward and then you will have a sense of hopefulness about everyone and everything.

Know that you and everyone else chose to be here at this time and place and that all is perfect just as it is and you will have hopefulness.

In this way you can see that there is another meaning to hope. It has nothing to do with wishing present circumstances were better, it has all to do with the inner knowing that you are already home, heaven on earth, no matter what.

All is perfect just as it is.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Affirmations and their interpretation according to me

All is love and light: Bring this pure white light into your presence and your being. You will light up the world.

With God all things are possible: This means let God do the work, you sit back and enjoy the ride.

Trust in the Lord: This means surrender yourself to the higher knowledge that all will always be taken care of. There is no need to worry about anything. Accept all as it is.

Be your true self at all times: Be in touch with the truth within you. It will always be for your greatest good.

Turn it over to God at every moment.

Peace is possible this instant: Turn toward God and you shall find peace.

Let yourself shine and be a light to the world: As the light grows within you, all will see and feel it. In this way you are a true world server and give all to others. You will be continuously replenished. The light is unending, forever.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thought for the day

The voice of God is waiting for you with open arms. The door is open and you only need walk in.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Message from the Voice for Love

We come to you today to give you the Peace of God. It is attainable if you turn toward God and away from your thoughts. It is attainable if you look at your thoughts in a new way and see that they do not mean you harm nor good but they are manufactured habits that you have been thinking all along. They have no meaning in and of themselves. Just as your emotions do not have meaning either, they have only the meaning you put your attention on.
The way to relegate these thoughts to where they belong is to find the space between the thoughts, the holy place where no thought exists, the mindstream below the babbling brook of thoughts which is where you truly abide.
Listen for this stream, it underlies all. It underlies all of life for all.
This stream is where you truly think, you truly are one with all and this stream is where you want to deeply drink and bathe yourself.
Go to that stream whenever you find your thoughts running away with you.
Go to that stream and see it as the stream of all life at all times.
Think of that stream and jump into its cool refreshing waters whenever you are too hot from all the thoughts that crowd your brain.
And there you shall find true Peace.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Entry of Day 15 of 'Soul Journey to Love'

You are love and light and this is all that you have ever known.
You are floating on the precipice of here and there.
You are non-judgment.
You are love.

The living embodiment of love is to give everything that you have without expectation.
The living embodiment of love tells us to freely love without conditions, without expectations, without disappointments or grief. Without anticipation, without any of the worldly attributes that one usually associations with love: jealously, hurt, abandonment, fear, loss, happiness in the arms of the beloved, wiping away the tear of a child. This is not the love that you seek.

You seek something deeper and more abiding. You seek a love that can be unshaken by outside events, catastrophes, life, death, anything you think may affect you from others or from circumstances.

You seek a love that is greater than all.
It is the love of God and it encompasses all other little loves.
It is the permanent opening of the heart, an opening which brings with it the amazing light and love of the universe.
It is the love that you seek in the quiet times and in the desperate times.

You have this love right now. Right here. You no longer need to seek it.

Be still and it will seep into every pore of your being. You will be light and love. You will be able to see through the detritus of others’ supposed difficult lives and love only them for who they are. You will see that you can love all equally no matter what they might do. You will see that you have the abiding love of God with you at all times and that you can share this love with all who come your way.

And in this way the healing for you and the world continues. It has never stopped. All the “brokenness” of people is an illusion, the beggar and the billionaire. They all have the unending love of God, as do you.

Your power of love, which is not yours alone, will heal all the world.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 10 of Soul Journey to Love: 100 Days to Inner Peace and Being at One with God

Although we are giving you steps, there are no steps to awakening. There is no one true path. There is only Oneness or separateness. Surrendering to the Oneness is the answer that you seek.

Look at your ego, that which you call your self. This is not your true self, but an apparition, a false self. It keeps within it all the hopes and dreams of this lifetime, all the sorrows and disappointments, all the rejections and anger, hatred, rivalries, wrong and right that you have experienced from the time of your birth into this physical body.

It is not real. It is not Reality.

You are a distinct energetic signature of a larger whole. Sometimes you will feel you are that Whole but most of the time that you walk around you don’t feel that, otherwise you would stop walking. Just the idea that you have somewhere to go could be considered separateness from God and, in a way, it is.

But if you understand that you have a unique energetic signature and that you seek experiences for the sake of your soul’s greater understanding and for the expansion of that which is God, then all experiences are equal, none better than the other: the job you don’t like, the man or woman who rejects you, the child who is going his or her own way. It is all the same as the joy you feel, the happiness you have, the desire to do interesting things or meet interesting people.

All experiences are the same. Not because they are not real, but because they just are that – experiences – which the soul is absorbing and taking in, without the Whole, to compare with other souls and to enjoy.

It is not that the world is not real, it is that there is a greater reality. Those who want to renounce the world will be fine as well as those who wish to renounce the ego. It does not mean that your personality changes or you don’t have likes and dislikes, preferences as you would say. It is that all experiences become equal, no better nor worse than another. You can experience sadness on one hand but also know that it is not the true you that is having the experience. You can think a negative thought and realize you are not the true thinker. These thoughts and feelings may be there for a long time but then they can fade away, It is a remembering and it is a forgetting, a remembering of the truth, a forgetting of what is not needed.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A short paragraph from my book, Soul Journey to Love

You can be still and at peace at any moment. It is a matter of paying attention to it, tuning into that station as opposed to the station you have been playing. The open mind is always open to other communication. It is not hindered by external circumstances. It is not stopped by emotional difficulties.
The open mind is always open, always receiving from the One that is always communicating.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011