You are love and light and this is all that you have ever known.
You are floating on the precipice of here and there.
You are non-judgment.
You are love.
The living embodiment of love is to give everything that you have without expectation.
The living embodiment of love tells us to freely love without conditions, without expectations, without disappointments or grief. Without anticipation, without any of the worldly attributes that one usually associations with love: jealously, hurt, abandonment, fear, loss, happiness in the arms of the beloved, wiping away the tear of a child. This is not the love that you seek.
You seek something deeper and more abiding. You seek a love that can be unshaken by outside events, catastrophes, life, death, anything you think may affect you from others or from circumstances.
You seek a love that is greater than all.
It is the love of God and it encompasses all other little loves.
It is the permanent opening of the heart, an opening which brings with it the amazing light and love of the universe.
It is the love that you seek in the quiet times and in the desperate times.
You have this love right now. Right here. You no longer need to seek it.
Be still and it will seep into every pore of your being. You will be light and love. You will be able to see through the detritus of others’ supposed difficult lives and love only them for who they are. You will see that you can love all equally no matter what they might do. You will see that you have the abiding love of God with you at all times and that you can share this love with all who come your way.
And in this way the healing for you and the world continues. It has never stopped. All the “brokenness” of people is an illusion, the beggar and the billionaire. They all have the unending love of God, as do you.
Your power of love, which is not yours alone, will heal all the world.