Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Prayer

Day 61 Soul Journey to Love

Let me sit in stillness
The silence surrounds
Darkness is outside
Inside is illumined
Joy and allowing
Love and peace
Let my heart and mind
Abide here as one. 

Friday, December 30, 2011


“The universe within your mind is greater than the one outside it.”

This is the penultimate line from the Day 60 lesson, something I have always known.

I used to sit in silent meditation, waiting for a great revelation to come. I can’t recall how many years I did that – I started meditating circa 1976. People I met over the course of time who meditated told me of the marvelous experiences they had and I just had emptiness, a vastness, a blackness, nothing, no-thing. For a while, a long while, I thought I was doing something wrong, that the astral journeys and spiritual experiences others were having was just not open to me. I just enjoyed the emptiness.

As I studied more healing techniques – qigong, the esoteric use of sound and color, acupuncture, etc., etc., I had more ‘mystical’ experiences, but I realized these were only another step back into the silence. Once a few years ago during a meditation after being in a group with a chanting master I experienced the land of no-breath. The only thought that came to me was that breathing was optional, there was no difference between physically being here or not. It was a little like dying I suppose.

When I studied the Voice for Love technique, which is really just extending love to all one’s own thoughts, blending with one’s higher self/Holy Spirit/God and asking a question, that is when I learned that there was a clear communication from Spirit which was very open to me. For me it has been through words and now through painting. I do not ask any questions, Spirit speaks to me and through me if I want. Otherwise I just sit every morning in silence and spend the day quieting my mind when I notice it is running away from me, the True me.

As I have been reading about some of my Facebook friends (see Regina Dawn Akers’ posts) who are embarking on a year of silence, I salute you. My job requires talking although now that I am doing only geriatric work with those who no longer communicate much verbally, I have little to say too.  

Although I am now feeling a need to communicate more from what I have learned from being in this state of openness, and having written a book from that empty space, for those of you who are going into silence, you will find an inner joy and peace, the vastness that I have always known but thought I was missing something.

It is everything.

Thought for the day

The universe within your mind is greater than the one outside it. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thought for the day

Love extends itself out forever and never ends, always expanding and moving exponentially into infinity.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Reflections on Day 56, Soul Journey to Love

"All are already awakened in the mind of God. Some know it and some do not."

That takes a heavy burden off me. All is well no matter what. We are always with God no matter what we think, do, what the external or internal circumstances are. No more seeking, no more finding, just being is all that is needed. But not the mindless being of an automaton, that zombie image from films. Just allowing whatever happens to occur and doing nothing special to make anything happen. Just quieting the mind whenever necessary to allow awareness to be conscious. That is all that is ever needed.

This is a relief. I don’t have to DO anything. I just would rather be aware than unaware. Turn my attention toward the God within me or if I prefer the God outside of me. That is all it takes because I am already awakened, enlightened. It does not mean I have no emotions, no thoughts, no feelings. It means I understand this is not all that there is. “I could choose peace instead of this” is a stepping stone from A Course in Miracles but in actuality I am always in peace. Sometimes I know it, sometimes not. I turn toward peace, toward love until I don’t have to turn any more because I am always aware of what is already there.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Peace - God's gift to us

You ask yourself, how can I achieve peace for myself in the world?

And we answer you, bring the peace of God with you wherever you go, wherever you are. Notice when the little things are upsetting you and stop them in their tracks, calling upon the peace of God to bring you back home where you truly belong. At each moment ask yourself, is this the peace I want? And you shall be free of all the small and petty annoyances, upsets, overwhelments that you think you face.

Tell yourself that you want the peace of God above all else. Ask for help at every turn. Ask for the One within you to help you so you are not acting alone as a separate being. Know that there is always help available for you.

See your fellow man as God would see him, innocent and pure. Love him no matter what, know that it matters not. Do the best you can do but know that the effort does not have to come from you.

Practice this at all times, or when you recall to do so.
These are the practices that will bring you the peace of mind you seek. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thoughts on surrendering the ego

There is no need for surrender. There is nothing or no one to surrender to. Trust is the key.

So even the idea of surrendering brings duality to the mind. I am surrendering. Who is the I? To whom do I surrender? It does seem absurd if I think about it too much. There is no other out there. There is no little ‘i.’ I am one with all, so surrendering to God is just a step, an easement, to what is the truth: that there is only One and none else.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Thought for the day

Let your mind join only with God and you will be free of fear forever.
-from Day 49, Soul Journey to Love

Friday, December 16, 2011

A thought

I am noticing that I have fewer and fewer thoughts these days. This is so interesting to my observing mind as the ego part of myself has probably spent more time over-thinking than some people think in lifetimes.

I rest in the deliciousness of a quiet mind.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thought for the day

All day long, be with God. Be with the Universe. It is all you are. It is all you need.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thought for the day

When I realized that breathing is optional, a whole new way of being in the world opened up to me.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thought for the day

Put your thoughts away and let your mind drop down into the ocean of love.
Let your mind fade from your conscious being and just be.
Be with yourself. And in that being still you will find yourself and your relationship with God.
That you are pure and holy and nothing can take that away.
That no thoughts or actions you seemingly do can negate who you truly are.
That no condemnation, by yourself or others, can strip away your truth which is God’s truth.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thought for the day

The ripples on the surface cannot affect the deep abiding underneath.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thought for the day

Keep questioning until you become so confused with your own thoughts that you give up thinking your own thoughts. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thought for the day

Practice seeing the light in everyone, the light in all, the light that shines through no matter what the circumstances. Then you will be free of fear, free of suffering and you will be able to be in the joy of life’s moment.

-from Day of 21 SOUL JOURNEY TO LOVE 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Unconditional love for the one who needs to be loved unconditionally.

That is my soul's purpose - to be unconditional love in the face of whatever seemingly happens, whatever someone else seems to be, whatever seems to come my way.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Listening for God all day

How can I listen to God or for God all day long?

In all that you do, notice your thinking. Are you thinking of everyday mundane things? Are you thinking when you need not think at all? Are you thinking in a negative way that brings you worries, brings you back to earthly cares? If this is the case, turn again to God. Not to the longing for God, the wishing for God, the wanting to be One with God.
Just be One with God. It is not hard. It is beneath all the layers you have been thinking are you. These layers are just coverings, coverings over the truth.
So pare away and be naked before God. This means to strip away the worldly cares, issues, things of importance to all others but not to your true self.
This means to be only with God, in that beautiful light that shines from within you.
This light is always on! Everyone has it but it is covered, like black paint over a lightbulb.
Be undressed.
Be unhinged.
Think of nothing but of God and the Oneness of God and you, not the Oneness of being at one with God. You are already there. You already know it all. It is already all revealed to you. Nothing needs to be found. Just pull back the covers.
In fact there are no covers. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thought for the day

No thing exists because you are the endless stream of consciousness that all love encompasses. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Q: What is my true purpose?

A: Your true purpose is to see the light in everyone and to bring this light forward so that they can also see it within themselves. Just as a meadow fire burns further and further, so shall your seeing the divine light in others also catch fire.

This luminosity has a purpose of bringing what is dormant and inward to the outer world. As you live in a world of form, you become formless, as all is light.

This light is neither cold nor hot, it is not seen nor unseen. It is a frequency of energy which has no other vibration but to be. It is the formless form that you are in this world and after you depart it. 

God’s light. This is all you seek. It is all you are.  

Friday, November 4, 2011

Q: How can I remain open at all times to receiving the gift of the God’s communication?

A: O Holy One,
Stay in the spaciousness of your true Self. Stay in the feeling of love. Be devoted to openness, to love, to all new experiences whether they be bad or good. Stay in ‘open mode’ ready at all times to receive the goodness that is meant for you. As you truly feel spirit’s divine essence blend with you, you see that you are spirit and nothing else. The body is just a vessel for spirit to be contained in on this planet.

You can be in love and in a meditative reflective state all day but by being reflective you can also be a reflection of the love and light of God.

Your receiving can come in many forms and so be open to all things that occur, as you are creating them to learn from and to grow into your true being. This is as you are meant to be.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do I need to be 'thinking' of God all the time?

Voice for Love, it is hard during the day to remember the lesson for today. I get caught up in professional interactions with others and the analytical part of my work and I forget to be thinking only of God.

Dear Holy One,
If you are working and not thinking about how you feel about the work, how you are feeling in general, but are working, thinking, interacting, writing, analyzing, and doing it all from a place of peace without intrusive thinking, if you are bringing love to the world wherever you go by your calm demeanor and your loving ways, then you are living the lessons and not just thinking about them. There is no need to think about and practice them if you are living them without consciously thinking about them. The point of all lessons is to integrate them into your life so that they become automatic and you are therefore always at One with God. As you project out the beauty that is within you, what comes back is also pure love. It is not love for you but love for the God within you at all times. Shine your light into the world, bring it wherever you go, as you already do, and you will see that all encounters are holy and there is no need for the type of thinking of which you speak. You are neither happy nor unhappy, you are just doing whatever you are doing in the moment. This is as it should be.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thought for the day from my inner guidance

Be in the divine light at all times. Bathe in it and let it warm you. Stay in the presence of who you are and no thing can ever disturb you except as a passing breeze.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thought for the day

ACIM Lesson of the day: A happy outcome to all things is sure.
What a nice thought to wake up to.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thought for the day

Know that no one speaks to you, no one speaks through you. There is information that you can receive but the speaker is you, the thinker is the real you.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thought for the day

The love of God is all around you
The peace of God surrounds your being
The words of God come from your lips
The mind of God and yours are One

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thought for the day

Turn and turn again to God, not to thoughts of God but to God itself. Just turn to God, turn your face away from what ails you and seek your comfort in God. You will always be rewarded.

Monday, October 3, 2011

My birthday lesson: ACIM Lesson 276

On my birthday today I don’t really feel different from any other day although it is one with a “0” on the end. It was not always the case.

For many years as a younger person I felt tormented by my negative thoughts and worries, especially that self-critical voice telling me I was not good enough, nice enough, competitive enough, not a good enough daughter to my parents, was too angry and so on. But on my birthday I would awake feeling great and no matter what happened that day, nothing would bother me: hard days at work, flat tires, getting soaking wet in a thunderstorm, the Yankees losing. For one day a year the harsh superego lifted and I realized how I could feel if that voice in my head would just stop.

Another myth I created around this abnormal reaction to my birthday was that I could not possibly be as miserable as I felt, otherwise why would I be so inordinately happy on my birthday for no good reason? Didn’t this mean I celebrated my birth and my life?

Years went by and I had lots of therapy and a long psychoanalysis (under the guise of a training analysis, it was truly therapeutic). Some time during my analysis I realized I was no longer inordinately happy on my birthday but I also was not so unhappy all the other days of the year. I lamented the loss of that special day because I felt so good that day. I blamed my analysis for showing me the truth.

The above are all myths and false beliefs. Yes, I am here on earth and yes, the harsh voice in my head has been softened and tempered with listening only for that other voice, the voice for God. Each day is the same as I am trying to live it in peace and gratitude, despite what may happen in my “outside” life: family illnesses and adult children’s troubles, the uncertainty of the future and the forgetting of the past.

Being a “sensitive” child, I remember I used to cry in class at the drop of a hat if the teacher said something I considered critical or frightening. At about the age of 8 I said to myself, “Irene, you’ve got to stop this crying. You’re not a baby any more and no one else in bursting into tears in school. It’s time to stop.” Right then and there I resolved I would never cry in class again and indeed I never did.

As I turn 60 (wow I just said that, interesting!) I have resolved, in the same way, to give up my sense of fear. If I could stop myself from crying at 8, why can’t I stop myself if a fearful thought enters my mind? It is only a thought, fabricated by the ego, and that is the ego’s job: to create thoughts. I can have the thought, but I can observe it, even wonder at it and as much of the time as I can remember, forgive myself for having it and even laugh at it.

Today’s ACIM lesson, number 276, is specially connected to me energetically due to it falling on my date of birth. It is something I try to heed: The Word of God is given me to speak.

Thanks, God, for the reminder.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

All love is perfect.
All are perfect.
Just as they are.
Forget the faults and flaws of others for they do not matter.
Forgive the seeming mistakes of others for there are no true errors,
Each soul finds its way to the same home, the same God, who is love.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

You are always One with God

You are always at One with God. This is something to recall at all times especially when you seem to be forgetting. God is always with you because you have God within you and you are indeed God. If everyone thought this way there would be less conflict in the world and in the inner world of many.

“Be still and know that I am God.” No truer words were ever spoken. This is why they have so much meaning whenever they are said and thought.

You can never escape God, you can never escape being God. There is no way and so it is futile to try.

Take time daily to remind yourself that God is always with you even if it seems unbelievable. Your thinking cuts off this connection as does your strong emotional sense. Soothe yourself and know that God is within you at all times, gently giving you guidance and direction, knowing that all is as it should be and as it will be.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


We say you can receive enlightenment in an instant or it can take your whole lifetime.
Acceptance is the key.
Accept what is and disregard that which you think might bother you.
Accept everything for what it is without judgments,
Accept and do not push against it,
Then and only then does the wall fall away,
And beyond it is the clearest blue sky,
The wavy field of grain,
The loving laps of the ocean waves.
There does your peace abide.
There you find your true Self.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

excerpt from Day 50 of "Soul Journey to Love"

Once fear is no longer there, endless possibilities are laid out for you. Choose them with the guidance you receive. Choose them by asking what you should do if you do not know how to clearly receive the prompts which are offered to you. When there is a resounding “yes” it is easy. But occasionally you will be undecided and this is from the ego mind. Let that go and trust that you will always be guided to the correct decisions.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thought for the day

I trust in God in all things, large and small. In this I find my rest.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life on earth is a temporary subject. The curriculum is eternity.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thought for the day

If you think of a thought as just a thought with no value of its own it will not become a belief.

from Day 4 of "Soul Journey to Love"

You can be still and at peace at any moment. It is a matter of paying attention to it, tuning into that station as opposed to the station you have been playing. The open mind is always open to other communication. It is not hindered by external circumstances. It is not stopped by emotional difficulties.

The open mind is always open, always receiving from the One that is always communicating.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A definition of Hope

Day 58 from "Soul Journey to Love"

Q: What is hope?

Hope in your sense is the anticipation of a better future.
Hope leads to disappointment but hope seems to be needed by people in order to survive their present experience.

True hope however is knowledge, the knowledge that all is truly well, that God’s will for you on earth is completely known and that by turning toward this higher way of thinking, which is within oneself, one can feel hopeful.

Hope does not need to lead to disappointment, not if hope is seen differently. Think of it more as a way of going about in the world, a way of knowing that you are in the right place, the right time, the right circumstance for you always. Know that there is no fear and no death. Know that within yourself exists all the answers that you seek. Then you can have a sense of hopefulness.

Know that all reach the same goal in their own way, whether during this lifetime or afterward and then you will have a sense of hopefulness about everyone and everything.

Know that you and everyone else chose to be here at this time and place and that all is perfect just as it is and you will have hopefulness.

In this way you can see that there is another meaning to hope. It has nothing to do with wishing present circumstances were better, it has all to do with the inner knowing that you are already home, heaven on earth, no matter what.

All is perfect just as it is.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Affirmations and their interpretation according to me

All is love and light: Bring this pure white light into your presence and your being. You will light up the world.

With God all things are possible: This means let God do the work, you sit back and enjoy the ride.

Trust in the Lord: This means surrender yourself to the higher knowledge that all will always be taken care of. There is no need to worry about anything. Accept all as it is.

Be your true self at all times: Be in touch with the truth within you. It will always be for your greatest good.

Turn it over to God at every moment.

Peace is possible this instant: Turn toward God and you shall find peace.

Let yourself shine and be a light to the world: As the light grows within you, all will see and feel it. In this way you are a true world server and give all to others. You will be continuously replenished. The light is unending, forever.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thought for the day

The voice of God is waiting for you with open arms. The door is open and you only need walk in.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Message from the Voice for Love

We come to you today to give you the Peace of God. It is attainable if you turn toward God and away from your thoughts. It is attainable if you look at your thoughts in a new way and see that they do not mean you harm nor good but they are manufactured habits that you have been thinking all along. They have no meaning in and of themselves. Just as your emotions do not have meaning either, they have only the meaning you put your attention on.
The way to relegate these thoughts to where they belong is to find the space between the thoughts, the holy place where no thought exists, the mindstream below the babbling brook of thoughts which is where you truly abide.
Listen for this stream, it underlies all. It underlies all of life for all.
This stream is where you truly think, you truly are one with all and this stream is where you want to deeply drink and bathe yourself.
Go to that stream whenever you find your thoughts running away with you.
Go to that stream and see it as the stream of all life at all times.
Think of that stream and jump into its cool refreshing waters whenever you are too hot from all the thoughts that crowd your brain.
And there you shall find true Peace.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Entry of Day 15 of 'Soul Journey to Love'

You are love and light and this is all that you have ever known.
You are floating on the precipice of here and there.
You are non-judgment.
You are love.

The living embodiment of love is to give everything that you have without expectation.
The living embodiment of love tells us to freely love without conditions, without expectations, without disappointments or grief. Without anticipation, without any of the worldly attributes that one usually associations with love: jealously, hurt, abandonment, fear, loss, happiness in the arms of the beloved, wiping away the tear of a child. This is not the love that you seek.

You seek something deeper and more abiding. You seek a love that can be unshaken by outside events, catastrophes, life, death, anything you think may affect you from others or from circumstances.

You seek a love that is greater than all.
It is the love of God and it encompasses all other little loves.
It is the permanent opening of the heart, an opening which brings with it the amazing light and love of the universe.
It is the love that you seek in the quiet times and in the desperate times.

You have this love right now. Right here. You no longer need to seek it.

Be still and it will seep into every pore of your being. You will be light and love. You will be able to see through the detritus of others’ supposed difficult lives and love only them for who they are. You will see that you can love all equally no matter what they might do. You will see that you have the abiding love of God with you at all times and that you can share this love with all who come your way.

And in this way the healing for you and the world continues. It has never stopped. All the “brokenness” of people is an illusion, the beggar and the billionaire. They all have the unending love of God, as do you.

Your power of love, which is not yours alone, will heal all the world.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 10 of Soul Journey to Love: 100 Days to Inner Peace and Being at One with God

Although we are giving you steps, there are no steps to awakening. There is no one true path. There is only Oneness or separateness. Surrendering to the Oneness is the answer that you seek.

Look at your ego, that which you call your self. This is not your true self, but an apparition, a false self. It keeps within it all the hopes and dreams of this lifetime, all the sorrows and disappointments, all the rejections and anger, hatred, rivalries, wrong and right that you have experienced from the time of your birth into this physical body.

It is not real. It is not Reality.

You are a distinct energetic signature of a larger whole. Sometimes you will feel you are that Whole but most of the time that you walk around you don’t feel that, otherwise you would stop walking. Just the idea that you have somewhere to go could be considered separateness from God and, in a way, it is.

But if you understand that you have a unique energetic signature and that you seek experiences for the sake of your soul’s greater understanding and for the expansion of that which is God, then all experiences are equal, none better than the other: the job you don’t like, the man or woman who rejects you, the child who is going his or her own way. It is all the same as the joy you feel, the happiness you have, the desire to do interesting things or meet interesting people.

All experiences are the same. Not because they are not real, but because they just are that – experiences – which the soul is absorbing and taking in, without the Whole, to compare with other souls and to enjoy.

It is not that the world is not real, it is that there is a greater reality. Those who want to renounce the world will be fine as well as those who wish to renounce the ego. It does not mean that your personality changes or you don’t have likes and dislikes, preferences as you would say. It is that all experiences become equal, no better nor worse than another. You can experience sadness on one hand but also know that it is not the true you that is having the experience. You can think a negative thought and realize you are not the true thinker. These thoughts and feelings may be there for a long time but then they can fade away, It is a remembering and it is a forgetting, a remembering of the truth, a forgetting of what is not needed.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A short paragraph from my book, Soul Journey to Love

You can be still and at peace at any moment. It is a matter of paying attention to it, tuning into that station as opposed to the station you have been playing. The open mind is always open to other communication. It is not hindered by external circumstances. It is not stopped by emotional difficulties.
The open mind is always open, always receiving from the One that is always communicating.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thought for the day

Whenever doubt overtakes you, stop and listen within. There is nothing that need be done. The right action and thinking will present itself to you without effort.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thought for the day

The space between the cells is where healing begins. The space between thoughts is where peace lies.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thought for the day

Trust in your own inner wisdom. It will never fail you for it comes from deep within which is the inner teacher of God.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thought for the day

All thoughts have already been thought. Now is the time to quiet them all, let them go and enjoy the peace that arises.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Thought for the day

When unwanted thoughts come, let them. They will eventually fade and be replaced with a feeling of peace.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thought for the day

Let love flow through no matter what because in love and forgiveness you and your brother are healed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 100

All is well
The Sun is in the sky
God is everywhere
The earth is at my feet

I feel the presence
Of all and every piece
That makes up the whole
Greater than I can imagine

Peace surrounds me
Light surrounds me
Love surrounds me

I pray that all who are present
Find this peace that I feel now
It is ready for us all
Open to it, light the way
And it is here
Within you and without
A beauty unsurpassed

Stillness speaks to all
And creates Heaven on earth

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Prayer I trust in God rather than myself

I trust in God rather than my self
The small self with fears and needs
I do not do anything by my self
Only with the Oneness of all

I am not a body to be healed
I am not a mind to be changed
I have not eyes to see differently

I am blended not surrendered to the One
And in this I am more than me
But part of a whole so vast
It is unexplained in the world
But in this silence all can be revealed

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Prayer

When I think of
What God has planned for me
Without even planning
I am filled with joy
The script is already written
The plan is clear –
Be only with God, who is within and without
Be only for God, there is no other way
Do nothing unnecessary
Everything is truly unnecessary
Because it is all already here
If I close my eyes I can see it
If I open my eyes I can live it

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Be with God

Be with God
All day and night
There is none else
So give up your resistance
And see yourself as one
With all that is in the universe
Know that there are no thoughts of God
That are not your own
You are the extension
Of that father’s love
Embrace it and send it out
To all, to everywhere, to all time

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Prayer

Out of silence
Comes light
And peace
The root of all causes
God and me

Help me to be
In silence with You
And see no difference
Between Us

As I meld into
Your holy light
Bring me acceptance
And love


Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Meditation

Lift the veil
Allow me to see life as it truly is

As the sky is blue, go beyond
Let nothing stop me, let my mind open
To the spaciousness beyond the stars

Look at the leaf and see all of creation
Look at the water and see the universe
Look within and find everything I need

Nothing is there except an empty stillness
Everything is there

Friday, August 5, 2011

a worry mantra

Say this mantra: I forgive myself for having any thought of worry that I concoct in my own mind to keep me separate from God.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Prayer before Sunrise

In this dark moment before the sun arises
I will separate my thinking mind from the day before me
And join with God’s voice
The morning rituals only serve to prepare me
For the presence of Love
Allow me to merge into that kindness and light
As I stop my thinking mind
And praise the consciousness of love and gratitude
‘May the words of my mouth
And the meditations of my heart’
Be One with you always
I am open to receive
The warm and loving embrace of All.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Open to love

Quiet the mind, open to love
Let the sounds of spirit flow through you
In all you say, in all you do
Give up the chatter and outward pretensions
And be your true self, wholly and fully
Be the love that you know you are
To all and every person today
It matters not if you are giving or receiving
Just being you, as the face of God,
Is always enough to know love and be loved.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thought for the day

All feelings of illness are about transition, not about being stuck.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I bring silence into the day
The silence of the night when all is still
No rushing thoughts, no rushing bodies
Just a thought of God, the Oneness of us all
The sun is rising, the day begins
A prayer from my lips is all I need

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Soul and I are one

My Soul and I are one
United, blended, inseparable
I may seem to be here but I am not
I am just present here
Being and observing
Being all of life
There is nothing to become
There is nothing to do
More than I am already doing

Empty the mind
And find that Love for all is within
And all the knowledge of the Universe
Is unneeded when that Love abounds

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Prayer

Let me help others as I help myself
Allow me to shine with hope and love
In the loving presence of what is larger than myself
Let all minds be healed in this love
It comes from God and God’s presence in us all


Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Prayer of Light

Light that dances on the ocean
Let me feel you within me
Let me merge and be at one with Light
Let it shine forth from me -
As God’s emissary
As the light of consciousness which we all share.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Prayer

Write everything as if you are God
Let the words flow with the voice of love
Speak every word as if you are the kind parent
Lovingly looking at your children and knowing
All is well
May every word that comes from my mouth
Be as one with God
Be as if I am home with God
Where we all belong.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Be free today and every day...

Be free today and every day
Free to act with love and light
Be free to express all that is within you
For that is what you are meant to do

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Beauteous as nature

You are beauteous beyond compare
You are One with all
As the petal of the flower unfolds
So does your mind
The answer deep within
Watch your self disappear
Watch the world around you do so too
And be in that space of harmony
Where there is only Light
Then you will be,
Just be.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Endless possibilities are before you
Because it has already happened
You just do not know it
No hoping or wishing is needed
No desires or longings belong
Just being here in this moment in time is enough
Just loving whatever comes before you
The world falls away and is replaced
By a deep knowing, a loving understanding
Of nothing and of everything
Stay here a while
Bring this with you when you recall to do so
It will give you peace and happiness

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thought for the day

Let it all go. It is not truly here anyway. Be in peace all day. Every day. Float away and be free. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Freedom is what you seek

Freedom is what you seek,
True freedom is only in the mind
The mind of peace and forgiveness
Let nothing disturb your freedom today
No matter in what situation you may be
Let it go far away
And take counsel within
To that place where no pebble can cause
A ripple
Pray and reflect, be one with it,
And your freedom is assured.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Light Within

The peace and light of God is all you have
There is no separation, only that which is within your mind
Let go of those ideas that there is a God and a you,
Let go gently or violently, it does not matter
For you will see the Light within
As clear as you see the Sun without
No differences to be ascertained
When you are One with all
The darkness is there too, to give you rest and
Let you choose what you truly want
But the Light within
Is always bright
You cannot obscure it
It will not extinguish
It burns forever like an
Eternal candle

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thought for the day

God’s will for you is to be followed. You, the little you, may not know what it is but it is always present along with God’s love to guide you.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Reflections on ACIM Lesson 186 Salvation of the World Depends on Me

This lesson was meant for my ego. I have spent most of my life thinking that as one individual, trying to be there for or save one individual, that I would save the world. The thought that saving myself would save the world seemed selfish and not something I would do. Is it not better to sacrifice oneself to the greater good, work hard to the bone until exhausted or ill, is this not what the world expects of me, especially in my profession? No wonder so many physicians burn out.
When I was younger I thought that I should work with Mother Teresa in India, she was my ideal. When I was a little older I thought working with the poor here was the answer, giving back from whence I came.

How does the salvation of the world depend on me unless I sacrifice myself? I still struggle with this daily. I still work in situations where there are not enough staff and way too many patients and yet I see that I need do nothing at all. I can just sit there, being the holy Son of God as the Course would say and that is truly enough.

Little by little I see that my erroneous understanding of this lesson has placed all the burden on me, on the ego (and on my superego, the conscience part of me that says I have to give my all, do my best). My understanding is incorrect.

The salvation of the world means that I forgive myself for every time I forgot something, every time I think I could have done more but had no time, that I try to forgive myself for my thoughts about the lack of competence of other staff and just concentrate on what God wills for me. To be led by that voice which is strong within and to truly listen to it rather than feel I have to be thinking at work all the time. The ego thinks: at home I can listen to the voice for love, but at work I have to keep thinking.

It means to love as God loves in all situations especially to give love to myself. And so today I will remember that the salvation of the world depends on me and  I can just step aside and let God do its magnificent work through me.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thought for the day

There is no need to shoulder the burdens of life alone. There is a gentle teacher within, with whom you are One, who will guide you and navigate with you. You are always blessed. In asking for help within, you will open worlds you did not know existed and find the answer to all your questions.

Friday, July 1, 2011

reflections on 'I Will be Still a Moment and Go Home'

In stillness you find your true self and your true Source. It is only in quieting the mind and paying it no mind that you can be within yourself and at peace with everything just as it is. Be still an instant and all the injustices you see disappear. Be still and thoughts are no more. You are floating, your body is gone and you are just a Presence, joined with all of the universe and beyond.
This is what stillness brings.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thought for the day

Be ever present in your knowing that you will receive all you seek.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thought for the day

But at the beginning and in the end
There is only Light
Pure, loving Light.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thought for the day

Today you will have peace.
Today you will be at peace.
Today, will yourself to be at peace.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

All is One

All is One
All is One, there is no one else out there but You.
There is no God out there but You.
Nothing is out there, it is all within you,
It is You.
Today in time and space you may see it all as separate,
Separate beings with separate thoughts
But this is an untruth.
If we expand to encompass the entire Universe
Then we are all One Being, living and breathing together,
In a rhythm of the Universe
That the small you can feel so easily
If you just give it a chance.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Life - eternal

There is no death, there is only life, the life of the soul.
So if one chooses to exit the body, it is always by their choice.
They sometimes want to renew again, they sometimes want to end their suffering.
They sometimes feel they have done enough here and want to be at peace without a body,
But there is no eternal repose,
It is active and moving in a way a body cannot understand.
It is vivid and transcendent, what you can get a glimpse of on earth.
There is no need to go away for this experience,
You are in this experience right here, right now,
You have just forgotten, you have just turned away and walked in
Another direction,
So turn again toward where you truly Are and want to be
And the glorious experience you seek, at one with all, is here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thought for the day

When you are unclear, confused, overwhelmed just say, I do not know. God knows. I am One wtth God. Therefore I will be divinely led in all I do today, every day.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


O Holy One
We say you can receive enlightenment in an instant or it can take your whole lifetime
Acceptance is the key
Accept what is and disregard that which you think might bother you
Accept everything for what it is without judgments
Accept and do not push against it
Then and only then does the wall fall away
And beyond it is the clearest blue sky
The wavy field of grain
The loving laps of the ocean waves
There does your peace abide
There you find your true Self

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thought for the day

There is no barrier to your healing. It is what your mind creates. You can uncreate it in an instant. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thought for the day

Be mindful of your thoughts and let negativity drop from your eyes. Then you will be with God at every moment.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

ACIM Lesson of the day

I walk with God in perfect holiness.... innocence, guiltlessness, love, light, happiness, joy, unity with the trees before my eyes, the birds who sing to all in love.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

An affirmation of healing

Say to yourself, I am an infinite being, I am whole. All bodily functions are normal. I am only subject to what I hold in mind. I choose to see wholeness, light and love, perfection in every moment.

(embellishment on David Hawkins' affirmation of health)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The love of God

The love of God is all around you
The peace of God surrounds your being
The words of God come from your lips
The mind of God and yours are One

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thoughts on ACIM Lesson 151

Today begin anew
And see that you are completely free
There is no prison that is holding your spirit
There is nothing that hinders you, envelops you or stops you
Except what you hold in mind
Dissolve all thoughts and listen
The answer to all your questions is the same:
“All things are echoes of the Voice for God.”
Hear it today.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thought for the day

Be well, wherever you are in your thinking. In this way all healing will occur.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Be your own teacher

Be your own teacher.
No one can go as deep within as you yourself.
Know that you will meld with your own inner guidance to become
One radiant being.
A being of light.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thought for the day

Lay your burden down. You are free of all external encumbrances. Follow your true spiritual calling.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thought for the day

You can transcend the emotions and feelings of the body/mind and go above them. As you move into that quiet space, you are surrounded by light and peace. Bring it back with you as you go about your day. You will be so clear, as if transparent, and the world will seem that way too. There is nothing in the world you really want, it is all within.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thought for the day

Ease your mind when it is in a state of unease. They are only thoughts and thoughts in themselves have no real meaning. It is the meaning you give to them that leads to your emotions. Instead welcome the thought and let it go.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thought for the day

Go deeply within where the well of peace resides. It is an ever abundant well which never will dry out. This place of peace may seem covered up at times but it is flowing still and will nourish you always.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The emanation of light that is me

Go within to find the peace you seek.
As attachments to the world, to others, to yourself, fade, they will drift away and you will be still within yourself. You find that this is the state of being from which you view everything, a point of contact with the Truth or God which anchors you and fills the space that is you.
Thoughts and feelings come and go and you may be caught in them for a moment but then you remember, recalling who you truly are.
To be in this state of being, grounded within yourself and the universe, is the most natural state of all. It is just beingness and it is very alive. It is not about your perceptions or thoughts, your feelings or ideas. It is a state beyond consciousness but where you are fully conscious. You need not lose yourself in this since there is no self to lose anyway. It is more a true way of being at all times that you can remember. And as you remember it more, the peace and quiet of this state is with you always.
Allow for now the violence of emotional storms to rage, if they must, but know that they need not. There is no longer a need for these feelings to be anything else but a breeze upon the still water, creating a ripple here and there but not disturbing the deep.
Allow that deep stillness to arise no matter what outward circumstance there is. Then there is no thinking, no words, no doing, not even being. ‘Just being’ is much overrated.
There is only Oneness and understanding of all. All the human frailties of oneself and others, which are false and yet so believed.

Sometimes when I sit with another there are no further words to say and so we just are. They come to me for many things – words, advice, prescriptions, obligation – but in the end it is just two people being. As I sit there, writing my note in the hospital computer record, asking the same questions I ask of everyone, I am just being there with the other, being one with all the others and I am fully aware in my consciousness that this is all that is really going on, That is my only purpose. The words that come do not matter much, it is the emanation of light that we all experience which is the Oneness of everything. And for that moment they are at peace. And so am I.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thought for the day

see the transparencies through this dense physical life and your consciousness will rise

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A brief thought on today's ACIM Lesson 137

You are magnificent in your being, just as you are. But if you want a healing, be whole and true. Focus not on what you would like, rather just be.

Monday, May 16, 2011

You have forgotten the infiniteness of your being

There is no such thing as suffering except what you make so. Why do you make it so? Because you have forgotten the infiniteness of your being.
Forget your story and all the old pain, the hurts and disappointments.
See where your sticking points are and forgive and let go of them.
There is no reason to continue on in the way that you have done.
You can change it all in an instant.
There is no need to drag it out, to suffer and to suffer more.
Behind this cloud of thinking is the light of God.
This is where your mind can be eternally turned, this is where you want to be while still being here on earth, your temporary home.
Go there now and think only of this and of no other.
This is what you seek and it is here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thought for the day

You are always at peace, no matter what the outward expression of your emotion and thoughts might seem. The outward is not real, only the peace is real.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thought for the day

Be at peace, no matter what the world brings to your view. Be at peace in any situation.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Be the light

Let yourself shine and be a light to the world. As the light grows within you, all will see and feel it. In this way you are a true world server and give all to others. You will be continuously replenished. The light is unending, forever.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Thought for the day

See yourself as the person you truly are and you will become it in word, thought and deed.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thought for the day

There are no disappointments, only unexpected outcomes. Have no expectations. Be in a state of receiving and being at One as much as you can remember. Then the desire and the outcome become one and the same, since your only desire is for Oneness. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thought for the day

Do you not trust God? If you fully trust you would have no worries because you would truly know that all is being cared for. So we say to you: surrender.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ACIM Lesson of the day

Let me remember I am one with God.
God goes with you always, wherever you are. Remember God in all your movements and actions today, in all your thoughts, and you will find peace this instant.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thought for the day

You are magnificent beyond measure, you just don't know it yet.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

A Poem and a Prayer

Greet the day in joy.
End the day in rest.
In between find forgiveness for anything else.
Love all those around you and go about your day.
Think not about them,
Rest your gaze on God.
Think not at all,
Stillness is the key.
Through this moment will come
All that you ever need.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Message from the Voice for Love

You are continuously moving in a spiral every upward, grounded to the earth but in love with the sky. You are always evolving and will continue to do so, over and over again.
This is your soul’s purpose, to continuously experience and evolve, to take the good and the bad and create an understanding that no matter what occurs all is truly as it should be.
You have periods of activity and periods of rest. The body knows when to stop and rest and the mind follows. You never need to worry about overextending yourself because it is always all right.
So bask in the light of this knowledge that the Divine plan includes all you have experienced and allow yourself to be still and present at all times.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thought for the day

What you are doing today is truly preparation for a joyous future, which is now.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Prayer

My love for all is a greater love than just for one person or thing
My love expands to the entire universe
Encompassing everything
It is personal and impersonal
It is free – freely given and freely received
My love for all is greater than I can imagine
I love and I am truly loved

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thought for the day

You are always home with God, in His loving arms. You are always safe and secure no matter what you may think otherwise. All is as it should be. There is no other way to be.  

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thought for the day

It is time for spring to awaken your soul. Love and desire are in the air. Ensure that you are there to catch its essence.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thought for the day

There is no need to deify any one or any thing unless you so desire. Worship the truth within yourself. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thought for the day

All is love and light. Today I am free of encumbrances and think only of the Light.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thought for the day - ACIM Lesson I am as God created me

I am as God created me.
I am truly free of all encumbrances for God created me just as I am and in so believing I am continually renewed.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thought for the day

You are loved in every moment. Let that spill through you to all you meet today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Entering into Oneness

Oneness is achieved not from a longing for it but from a knowing that it can be.
Oneness is all there is. There is no more than that.
Know that you can achieve that sense of Oneness with all just by turning your attention to it and away from the worldliness around you.
In your everyday life you can bring that sense of Oneness with all by preparing yourself beforehand.
Meditating at the beginning of the day to set yourself off on the right foot is the best way to begin.
Meditate on Oneness, on the unity of all things in this world and others.
Feel within yourself the expansion of all within you and all the possibilities you hold.
Feel and relax yourself.
Accept all thoughts that come to mind and release them. Go through them and allow them to pass through you.
Focus instead on the Oneness of all. When thoughts distract you return to your breath and the sense of Oneness.
Do not feel you need a mantra, a focus of attention. Accept all thoughts that come to you but treat them equally.
Become quiet, very still.
And then allow your mind and soul to enter another place, another dimension.
Allow yourself to be transported to a place with no time, no sight, a blank black space where you sit and can receive.
If you wish to ask a question you may. Or ask to be prompted by the Divine for guidance. Or ask for what is your purpose for the day.
Breathe quietly and listen within.
It will be given to you. Always and with great love.
The answers are always there within you.
You must tune to the frequency in which to receive.
You must know in your heart that you are open and that you can do this at all times.
When you start your day in this way you will be set for the entire day no matter what comes.
You will be ready for all that comes your way and you will receive much guidance and loving kindness from your innermost being.
As the day goes on, remember that feeling of sitting alone and bring yourself back to it throughout the day even if you are very busy. This way you imprint upon yourself a way to be at all times, a way to allow one thought to follow the other but to treat them all equally. For they are nothing but thoughts and they are random, even if you later try to make logical sense of them. These are not the thoughts to listen to. The other thoughts, the ones which are true, come from within, not from the mind you know, the mind you are familiar with.
The thoughts that are true come from a deeper place within you which you can access at any time but it takes practice to allow them to come to the fore.
Go within at all times and be refreshed. Be renewed. Be at peace. Be at One with all.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Prayer

Let me sit in stillness
The silence surrounds
Darkness is outside
Inside is illumined
Joy and allowing
Love and peace
Let my heart and mind
Abide here as one.

ACIM today's lesson

God's peace and joy are mine.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone