Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Prayer

Day 61 Soul Journey to Love

Let me sit in stillness
The silence surrounds
Darkness is outside
Inside is illumined
Joy and allowing
Love and peace
Let my heart and mind
Abide here as one. 

Friday, December 30, 2011


“The universe within your mind is greater than the one outside it.”

This is the penultimate line from the Day 60 lesson, something I have always known.

I used to sit in silent meditation, waiting for a great revelation to come. I can’t recall how many years I did that – I started meditating circa 1976. People I met over the course of time who meditated told me of the marvelous experiences they had and I just had emptiness, a vastness, a blackness, nothing, no-thing. For a while, a long while, I thought I was doing something wrong, that the astral journeys and spiritual experiences others were having was just not open to me. I just enjoyed the emptiness.

As I studied more healing techniques – qigong, the esoteric use of sound and color, acupuncture, etc., etc., I had more ‘mystical’ experiences, but I realized these were only another step back into the silence. Once a few years ago during a meditation after being in a group with a chanting master I experienced the land of no-breath. The only thought that came to me was that breathing was optional, there was no difference between physically being here or not. It was a little like dying I suppose.

When I studied the Voice for Love technique, which is really just extending love to all one’s own thoughts, blending with one’s higher self/Holy Spirit/God and asking a question, that is when I learned that there was a clear communication from Spirit which was very open to me. For me it has been through words and now through painting. I do not ask any questions, Spirit speaks to me and through me if I want. Otherwise I just sit every morning in silence and spend the day quieting my mind when I notice it is running away from me, the True me.

As I have been reading about some of my Facebook friends (see Regina Dawn Akers’ posts) who are embarking on a year of silence, I salute you. My job requires talking although now that I am doing only geriatric work with those who no longer communicate much verbally, I have little to say too.  

Although I am now feeling a need to communicate more from what I have learned from being in this state of openness, and having written a book from that empty space, for those of you who are going into silence, you will find an inner joy and peace, the vastness that I have always known but thought I was missing something.

It is everything.

Thought for the day

The universe within your mind is greater than the one outside it. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thought for the day

Love extends itself out forever and never ends, always expanding and moving exponentially into infinity.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Reflections on Day 56, Soul Journey to Love

"All are already awakened in the mind of God. Some know it and some do not."

That takes a heavy burden off me. All is well no matter what. We are always with God no matter what we think, do, what the external or internal circumstances are. No more seeking, no more finding, just being is all that is needed. But not the mindless being of an automaton, that zombie image from films. Just allowing whatever happens to occur and doing nothing special to make anything happen. Just quieting the mind whenever necessary to allow awareness to be conscious. That is all that is ever needed.

This is a relief. I don’t have to DO anything. I just would rather be aware than unaware. Turn my attention toward the God within me or if I prefer the God outside of me. That is all it takes because I am already awakened, enlightened. It does not mean I have no emotions, no thoughts, no feelings. It means I understand this is not all that there is. “I could choose peace instead of this” is a stepping stone from A Course in Miracles but in actuality I am always in peace. Sometimes I know it, sometimes not. I turn toward peace, toward love until I don’t have to turn any more because I am always aware of what is already there.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Peace - God's gift to us

You ask yourself, how can I achieve peace for myself in the world?

And we answer you, bring the peace of God with you wherever you go, wherever you are. Notice when the little things are upsetting you and stop them in their tracks, calling upon the peace of God to bring you back home where you truly belong. At each moment ask yourself, is this the peace I want? And you shall be free of all the small and petty annoyances, upsets, overwhelments that you think you face.

Tell yourself that you want the peace of God above all else. Ask for help at every turn. Ask for the One within you to help you so you are not acting alone as a separate being. Know that there is always help available for you.

See your fellow man as God would see him, innocent and pure. Love him no matter what, know that it matters not. Do the best you can do but know that the effort does not have to come from you.

Practice this at all times, or when you recall to do so.
These are the practices that will bring you the peace of mind you seek. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thoughts on surrendering the ego

There is no need for surrender. There is nothing or no one to surrender to. Trust is the key.

So even the idea of surrendering brings duality to the mind. I am surrendering. Who is the I? To whom do I surrender? It does seem absurd if I think about it too much. There is no other out there. There is no little ‘i.’ I am one with all, so surrendering to God is just a step, an easement, to what is the truth: that there is only One and none else.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Thought for the day

Let your mind join only with God and you will be free of fear forever.
-from Day 49, Soul Journey to Love

Friday, December 16, 2011

A thought

I am noticing that I have fewer and fewer thoughts these days. This is so interesting to my observing mind as the ego part of myself has probably spent more time over-thinking than some people think in lifetimes.

I rest in the deliciousness of a quiet mind.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thought for the day

All day long, be with God. Be with the Universe. It is all you are. It is all you need.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thought for the day

When I realized that breathing is optional, a whole new way of being in the world opened up to me.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thought for the day

Put your thoughts away and let your mind drop down into the ocean of love.
Let your mind fade from your conscious being and just be.
Be with yourself. And in that being still you will find yourself and your relationship with God.
That you are pure and holy and nothing can take that away.
That no thoughts or actions you seemingly do can negate who you truly are.
That no condemnation, by yourself or others, can strip away your truth which is God’s truth.