'All day allow me to be led.'
The way to be led is to listen at all times for any and all hints, signs and prompts to put aside your ‘own’ thinking and take up your true nature. You will never be led astray by this. You will only find peace in this manner.
There is only one way to truth and this is the way.
You may allow your thoughts to arise but pay them no mind.
Then you will see that they have no meaning on their own except the meaning that you give them.
Just as you are led to write without thinking beforehand so shall you lead yourself through the day. You can have two opposing thoughts in your mind but choose to listen to only one.
You know how to quiet your mind and try to do this as much as possible.
In all things you do at all times, feel that you are blended with that higher self of you who is the true you, and you will see that it becomes easier and easier to be that one which your heart desires.
-a message from the Voice for Love
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