Monday, February 28, 2011

The love of God

The love of God gets me through the day always.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Message from the Voice for Love

Be joyful today for this is the time of now, of all there is and ever is.
Be joyful and remember to smile because God shines within you and from without.
Let the snows of your mind melt as you feel the sun’s holy light,
Be at peace with this joy and shine.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Message from the Voice for Love for today

The idea of having no thoughts, no personal thoughts, seems easier than the doing of it.
Your thoughts come and go but it is in the catching of them and truly letting them go that you are free.
Free to be who you truly are.
As you notice these thoughts, turn to no thought. It is easier than you think.
This brings a peace which is hard to know otherwise.
Know that love will see you through all of this process and there is no right or wrong in performing this task.
Let the thoughts arise.
Let the thoughts go.
Notice you are having a thought.
Have no thought. Be silent.
In time you will see there are fewer and fewer thoughts that arise.
There are fewer ideas that come to your mind.
There are fewer ‘trains of thinking’ that you will have.
There are fewer and fewer unnecessary thoughts in your head.
And with this comes perfect peace.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Strength and Love

This tree in the woods of Pennsylvania gave me its name, Strength and Love, many years ago.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


When you focus on your breathing, there is nothing else.
Go into the breath and if distracted, count, because it will bring you back to the moment, back into yourself.
You cannot concentrate on anything else in your mind if you concentrate on your breath.

Sinking deeper into meditation, to the place of no-mind
I find silence and peace.
And eventually I find that
Breathing is optional.
There is no need to breathe.

Monday, February 21, 2011

This moment

Peace can be yours right now, instantaneously, in this moment, which is the only moment that exists.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


When I close my eyes,
I sink into the no-thing-ness of my being
And I am still.
A thousand worlds within worlds open up to me
As I listen for the silence
And become One with it.
It is true peace.

This has been my practice for 35 years
It nourishes and it receives
It takes me inward and it takes me away
But I am always here

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thought for the day

The Love of God will lead you to the holiest place: that which is within.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thought for the day

The Truth is within and the truth is a bright light so glorious that you cannot but begin to imagine it.

-Regina Dawn Akers

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Enter here

Well, there is no here, but here we are!

Greetings to all who find themselves at this page,

I will be posting messages from the inner Voice for Love as they come to me in meditation almost daily as well as quotes that are salient on this journey of the soul to love and oneness.

There is only Oneness
But also like a wave in the ocean a separateness which we may feel which is but an illusion. 
As we play in this universe let us rejoice in our own journeys as well as our awareness of unity and oneness.

In peace,